How Isaac Newton Academy withstood four years of wear and tear

How Isaac Newton Academy withstood four years of wear and tear

In 2012, Clark & Fenn Skanska chose 15mm LaDura for the internal linings and partitions. It was chosen because of its strength; it can carry various wall fixtures without the need to install plywood pattresses.

The original specification included plywood pattresses, but as the project was to be constructed under strict environmental standards, the specification was changed to LaDura. Fire, acoustic and impact performance requirements were met by a single layer system, which cut down on the use of timber, reducing the materials and transportation required on site.

We returned to the Academy last year where Brian Bowry, Estate Manager for the Academy, confirmed that since 2012, no wall repairs have been required. This meant that Brian and his team can concentrate on painting the walls, so the school continues to look its best.

As RIBA President Jane Duncan comments "Better value does not mean building schools very cheaply, but creating cost-effective environments that help drive up educational outcomes, enhance teacher and pupil wellbeing, and limit future running and maintenance costs."

Watch our LaDura video

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